Summer Activities For Kids: 50 Fun-Filled Ideas

As the school year winds down and the days grow longer, the excitement of summer begins to fill the air. For kids, summer is a time of boundless energy, exploration, and the joy of freedom from daily routines. However, for parents, keeping children engaged and entertained can be a challenge. Whether you’re looking to nurture their creativity, encourage physical activity, or simply make lasting memories, a wealth of summer activities awaits. From outdoor adventures to indoor crafts, this article will guide you through an array of fun and educational summer activities for kids that will make this summer unforgettable for your kids. Let’s dive into a season of discovery and delight!

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Summer Activities For Kids

Backyard Camping

Transform your backyard into a campsite with tents, sleeping bags, and a fire pit for roasting marshmallows. This activity brings the adventure of camping close to home and allows kids to enjoy a night under the stars without leaving the safety of your property.

summer activities for kids

DIY Craft Day

Set up a craft station with various supplies like paper, glue, markers, and paint. Let kids’ imaginations run wild as they create their own masterpieces. This is a great way to foster creativity and keep little hands busy.

Water Balloon Games

Organize a series of water balloon games, such as a water balloon toss, relay races, and a free-for-all water balloon fight. These activities are perfect for hot summer days and help kids stay cool while having fun.

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of natural items for kids to find in your yard or a nearby park, such as specific leaves, rocks, or insects. This activity encourages exploration and teaches kids about the environment around them.

Cooking Class

Host a mini cooking class where kids can learn to make simple and healthy snacks. Choose recipes that involve lots of mixing, measuring, and decorating, like fruit salads, smoothies, or homemade pizzas. This is a fun way to teach kids about nutrition and basic cooking skills.

Outdoor Movie Night

Set up a projector and a screen (or a white sheet) in your backyard and host an outdoor movie night. Provide popcorn and blankets for a cozy viewing experience. This activity brings the magic of the movies to your own home.

summer activities for kids

Biking Adventure

Plan a family bike ride on a local trail or around your neighborhood. Make it an adventure by including stops at interesting spots, like parks or ice cream shops. Biking is a great way to get exercise and explore your community together.

Science Experiments

Conduct simple science experiments at home using household items. Create a volcano with baking soda and vinegar, make slime, or grow crystals. These hands-on activities are both educational and entertaining.

Gardening Fun

Get kids involved in gardening by letting them plant their own flowers or vegetables. Provide child-sized gardening tools and teach them about different plants and how to care for them. Gardening helps kids connect with nature and learn about responsibility.

Reading Picnic

Pack a picnic and head to a local park with a selection of books. Spread out a blanket and spend the afternoon reading and enjoying snacks. This relaxing activity promotes a love of reading and provides a change of scenery.

Obstacle Course

Create an obstacle course in your backyard using household items like chairs, ropes, and hula hoops. Challenge kids to complete the course in the fastest time. This activity promotes physical fitness and adds a competitive element to playtime.

Painting Party

Set up easels and paints outside and let kids express their creativity on canvas. You can also provide rocks, plant pots, or other items for kids to paint. This activity allows for artistic expression and is a fun way to spend a sunny afternoon.

summer activities for kids

Fishing Trip

Take kids to a local pond or lake for a day of fishing. Teach them how to cast a line and identify different types of fish. Fishing is a peaceful activity that helps kids learn patience and enjoy nature.

Beach Day

Spend a day at the beach building sandcastles, collecting seashells, and playing in the waves. Bring along a picnic and plenty of sunscreen. A beach day is the quintessential summer activity that offers endless fun.

Nature Hike

Plan a hike on a nearby nature trail. Bring along a field guide to help kids identify plants, insects, and animals along the way. Hiking encourages physical activity and provides an opportunity for kids to learn about the natural world.

Outdoor Sports

Organize a day of outdoor sports such as soccer, basketball, or frisbee. Invite neighbors or friends to join in for a fun-filled day of friendly competition. Outdoor sports help kids stay active and improve their teamwork skills.

Kite Flying

On a breezy day, take kids to an open field to fly kites. Teach them how to launch and control their kites. This simple yet exhilarating activity connects kids with the outdoors and the joy of flight.

Visit to the Zoo

Plan a trip to the local zoo to see and learn about different animals. Many zoos offer educational programs and interactive exhibits that enhance the experience. A zoo visit is both entertaining and educational, providing kids with a chance to see wildlife up close.

summer activities for kids

Library Reading Program

Enroll kids in a summer reading program at your local library. These programs often include reading challenges, storytimes, and special events. Participating in a reading program encourages a love of books and helps maintain literacy skills during the summer break.

Berry Picking

Visit a local farm to pick fresh berries. This hands-on activity allows kids to learn where their food comes from and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Berry picking is a fun way to spend time outdoors and ends with a delicious reward.

DIY Bird Feeders

Help kids create bird feeders using pine cones, peanut butter, and birdseed. Hang the feeders in your yard and observe the different birds that come to visit. This activity combines crafting with wildlife observation.

Splash Pad Fun

Visit a local splash pad for a day of water play. Splash pads are a safe and fun way for kids to cool off and enjoy water activities without the need for swimming skills.

Family Talent Show

Organize a family talent show where each member can showcase their special skills, whether it’s singing, dancing, or magic tricks. This activity boosts confidence and provides lots of laughter and entertainment.

summer activities for kids

Backyard Olympics

Create a series of mini-Olympic events like sack races, long jumps, and obstacle courses. Award medals to participants and celebrate with a closing ceremony. Backyard Olympics combine physical activity with friendly competition.

DIY Ice Cream

Make homemade ice cream with kids using simple ingredients and an ice cream maker or plastic bags. Experiment with different flavors and mix-ins. This tasty activity is perfect for a hot summer day.

Star Gazing

On a clear night, lay out blankets and look up at the stars. Use a star chart or an app to identify constellations and planets. Star gazing is a peaceful and educational way to end a summer day.

Farm Visit

Take a trip to a local farm where kids can see and interact with animals, learn about farming practices, and even participate in farm activities. A farm visit is a hands-on educational experience that connects kids with agriculture.

Treasure Hunt

Create a treasure map and hide small prizes around your yard or home. Kids can follow the clues to find the hidden treasures. This activity promotes problem-solving and adventure.

summer activities for kids

Mini Golf

Set up a mini golf course in your backyard using cups, cardboard, and other household items. Let kids design their own holes and challenge each other. This activity combines creativity and sport.

Yoga in the Park

Take kids to a local park for a yoga session. Teach them simple poses and breathing exercises. Yoga is a great way for kids to relax, improve flexibility, and enjoy the outdoors.

Puppet Show

Have kids create their own puppets using socks, paper bags, or craft materials. Help them write a script and put on a puppet show for the family. This activity encourages creativity, storytelling, and public speaking skills.

Ice Skating

Visit an indoor ice skating rink for a fun and refreshing activity. Ice skating is a great way to stay active and practice balance and coordination, even in the summer months.


Introduce kids to geocaching, a real-world treasure hunt using GPS devices. Download a geocaching app and search for hidden caches in your area. This adventure combines technology with outdoor exploration and problem-solving.

Community Service

Get kids involved in community service projects like cleaning up a local park, helping at a food bank, or planting a community garden. Volunteering teaches empathy and social responsibility while making a positive impact.

Sand Art Creations

Provide kids with colored sand and empty jars to create layered sand art. They can experiment with different patterns and colors. This activity is both creative and calming.

Music Jam Session

Gather any musical instruments you have at home and host a family jam session. Let kids explore different sounds and rhythms, or even create their own songs. Music-making is a wonderful way to express creativity and bond as a family.

Petting Zoo Visit

Take a trip to a local petting zoo where kids can interact with and learn about various animals. Petting zoos offer a hands-on experience with animals and can be both educational and entertaining.

Fruit Picking

Visit a local orchard or berry farm for a day of fruit picking. Kids can learn about different types of fruits and enjoy the satisfaction of picking their own. This activity is a delightful way to connect with nature and agriculture.

Story Writing Workshop

Encourage kids to write their own stories. Set up a cozy writing space with paper, pens, and inspirational prompts. At the end of the day, have a story-sharing session where kids can read their tales aloud. This activity enhances writing skills and sparks imagination.

Build a Fort

Help kids build a fort using blankets, pillows, and furniture. This can be done indoors or outside. Once the fort is complete, they can use it as a reading nook, a play area, or a secret hideaway. Fort building fosters creativity and spatial skills.

Homemade Popsicles

Let kids make their own popsicles using juice, fruit, and yogurt. Pour the mixtures into molds and freeze them. This activity is both fun and results in a delicious, refreshing treat for hot summer days.

Outdoor Art Gallery

Encourage kids to create artwork outside using sidewalk chalk, watercolors, or other materials. Once they’ve finished, display their art in an “outdoor gallery” by hanging it on a clothesline or fence. This turns your yard into a creative exhibition space.

Miniature Golf Course

Set up a mini golf course in your backyard using everyday items like cups, cardboard, and pool noodles. Let kids design and decorate the course. This activity is a fun way to enjoy some friendly competition.

Sponge Water Fight

Have a water fight using sponges instead of water balloons. Fill buckets with water and soak the sponges for a fun, eco-friendly way to cool off. This activity is easy to set up and clean up.

Tree Climbing

Find a safe, sturdy tree and teach kids the basics of tree climbing. Make sure to supervise and ensure safety at all times. Tree climbing is a timeless activity that builds confidence and coordination.

Rock Painting

Collect smooth rocks and let kids paint them with bright colors and designs. These painted rocks can be used to decorate the garden or given as gifts. Rock painting is a simple yet enjoyable way to express creativity.

Butterfly Garden

Help kids plant a butterfly garden with flowers that attract butterflies. Teach them about different types of butterflies and the plants they love. This activity combines gardening with learning about pollinators.

Nature Journaling

Provide kids with notebooks and encourage them to document their outdoor observations. They can draw plants, insects, and animals, and write about their experiences. Nature journaling fosters observational skills and a connection to the environment.

Paper Airplane Contest

Teach kids how to fold different types of paper airplanes and then hold a contest to see which designs fly the farthest or stay in the air the longest. This activity is a fun way to explore basic principles of aerodynamics.

Bake Sale

Organize a bake sale where kids can help bake and sell treats. They can set up a stand in the yard or at a community event. This activity teaches kids about baking, money management, and community involvement.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I entertain my kids all summer?

To entertain your kids all summer, plan a mix of indoor and outdoor activities, such as backyard camping, craft days, water balloon games, and nature scavenger hunts. Involving them in cooking classes, reading programs, and community service projects can also keep them engaged and learning throughout the summer.

What is the best activity in summer?

The best summer activity often depends on individual preferences, but many families find that outdoor adventures like beach days, swimming, or hiking are top choices. These activities provide fun, physical exercise, and opportunities to enjoy nature.

What activity is done in summer?

Common summer activities include swimming, camping, picnicking, and playing sports. Kids also enjoy creative projects like painting, making homemade popsicles, and participating in local community events and festivals.

How do I keep my 7 year old busy in the summer?

Keep your 7-year-old busy in the summer by scheduling a variety of activities such as attending summer camps, organizing playdates, setting up craft stations, and planning outdoor adventures like biking or visiting a zoo. Involving them in daily chores and educational games can also provide structure and learning opportunities.

As summer unfolds, the opportunities for fun and memorable experiences with your kids are endless. Whether you’re exploring the great outdoors, engaging in creative projects, or simply enjoying the simple pleasures of a sunny day, the key is to make the most of this precious time together. With a mix of activities that stimulate their minds, keep them active, and allow them to explore their interests, you can ensure a summer filled with joy, laughter, and cherished memories. So, gear up, get creative, and dive into a summer of endless possibilities and fun with your kids!