Looking for a book that will have your little ones squealing with laughter? Look no further than Pig the Tourist by Aaron Blabey, another fantastic title in the Pig The Pug series!
This hilarious children’s book tells the story of a pug named Pig. Pig is on a world tour of destruction! From Egypt, to Antarctica to China: Pig is causing mayhem! Pig’s actions of destruction soon have consequences…
Gather your little ones for a fun lesson in being respectful and the consequences of naught pugs’ actions – all the while having fun!
Table of Contents [CLICK HERE TO OPEN]

Pig the Tourist
Pig the Pug is causing havoc and hilarity as he travels around the world.
Pig was a Pug and I’m sorry to say, when he went on vacation he’d cause great dismay.
Everywhere he goes around the globe, Pig the Pug offends the locals and causes destruction and devastation. However, in the end, Pig’s rudeness comes back to bite him…
About The Author

Aaron Blabey is a #1 New York Times Bestselling author with around 30 million books in print. He is also the co-executive producer of the The Bad Guys movie by DreamWorks Animation and the upcoming Netflix movie-musical adaptation of Thelma the Unicorn.
Courtesy of AaronBlabey.com
Blabey is an Australian author who has spent over 120 weeks on the New York Bestseller List. Up until 2005, Aaron was an actor and successfully won an Australian Film Institute Award. Blabey has earned himself 8 awards for his books, and when you read his stuff there’s absolutely no surprise!
Want to know more? Check out his interview with Scholastic!
Our Review
Pig the Tourist by Aaron Blabey is a delightful addition to the beloved Pig series. Blabey’s signature wit and charming illustrations once again come together to create a magical and unforgettable tail.
Blabey’s witty writing style and clever rhymes make Pig the Tourist a joy to read aloud. Children will giggle at Pig’s outrageous trail of terror he imposes on the natives on his holiday! He even steals the head of the sphynx!
With laugh-out-loud destruction, all of Pig’s chaos must come to an end. Pig soon finds himself getting bitten on the bum by some revenge-seeking piranhas! He then learns his lesson of living by his own rules the hard way.
This iconic instalment of the Pig the Pug series will surely cause shrieks of laughter with all of the fun, silly illustrations. Hopefully this doesn’t give your little ones any chaotic ideas during their next vacation!
Read Aloud
Frequently Asked Questions
How many books are in the Pig the Pug series?
As of right now, there are 10 books in the series. So, in no particular order:
- Pig the Rebel
- Pig the Monster
- Pig the Pug
- Pig the Winner
- Pig the Elf
- Pig the Star
- Pig the Fibber
- Pig the Stinker
- Pig the Tourist
- Pig the Slob
What is the moral of the book?
We watch as Pig the Pug terrorises countries all over the world with his chaos. Eventually, Pig’s reign of terror catches up to him and he very swiftly meets the consequences of his actions. So this may be a lesson in karma for your kids!
What age level are the Pig the Pug books?
The reading age for these novels are around 2-6 years old.
Is this your first time reading Pig? Why not try Pig the Fibber?